Will US Imperialism Intentionally Create Another World War? – Dr.JosephMercola 11/10/22

Source: LewRockwell.com

Over the past several months, the U.S. has poured billions of tax dollars into Ukraine, ostensibly to help Ukraine fight for freedom and preserve democracy. This despite the fact that Ukraine has long been deemed one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and the fact that no one knows where all this money is actually going. In short, the whole operation appears to be a cover for money laundering.

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Biden Administration Again Plants False Nuclear Scare Stories – MoonOfAlabama 11/2/22

Source: MoonOfAlabama.org

Last month I dissected the fear mongering the Biden administration released over alleged Russian nuclear threads:

[The report] quotes Biden as saying: “[Putin] is not joking when he talks about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons because his military is you might say is significantly underperforming.”Fact is that Putin has not talked about the “potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons.” Not. At. All.

All the war mongering talk and reports about Russia’s alleged threat of nuclear weapon use in Ukraine is totally unfounded. That ‘western’ media suddenly engage in it shows that it is part of a well directed propaganda campaign.

I speculated that the intent of the campaign was to prepare for some false flag incident in Ukraine.

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The American “War for Righteousness” is a War for Evil – BoydCathey 10/29/22

Source: boydcatheyreviewofbooks.blogspot.com


Back on October 25, 2022 Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland) celebrated the withdrawal by the Democratic congressional “progressive caucus” of their abortive letter (October 24) imploring the Biden administration to engage in serious negotiations with Russia and Ukraine to possibly end the bloody conflict in Eastern Europe that threatens rapidly to become a nuclear conflagration which could end life on earth as we know it.

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5 Signs That The War Between Russia And NATO Is About To Spiral Out Of Control – MichaelSnyder 10/23/22

Source: EndOfTheAmericanDream.com

Have you ever found yourself completely losing your temper in the middle of a heated struggle of some sort?  Whether it is a hotly contested sporting event, an actual fist fight or a bitter battle against an online foe, it can be way too easy to lose your temper.  And when tempers flare, you can end up losing control and doing things that you deeply regret later.  Unfortunately, the same thing is true on an international level.  Russia and NATO have both become absolutely obsessed with “winning” in Ukraine, and leaders on both sides are getting angrier and angrier.  And when leaders become extremely angry, they can do really stupid things.

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Global Tensions Rise Over Russia And Ukraine – What Happens Next? – BrandonSmith 10/15/22

Source: alt-market.us

There comes a point in the lifespan of any economic or political analysis when most of your observations or predictions either become mostly wrong, or mostly right. If you have done your job properly through due diligence, research and applied practical insight, then you will be in a position to point out why the dominoes are falling. People have to understand how these events were predictable so that the can prepare better in the future.

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Alex Jones and the Freedom of Speech – AndrewP.Napolitano 10/20/22

Source: LewRockwell.com

“Congress shall make no law abridging … the freedom of speech.”
— First Amendment to the Constitution

The iconic language of the First Amendment can be recited by schoolchildren, yet it is ignored by judges in Connecticut when the speech has been uttered by Alex Jones.

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The Threat of Nuclear War and the Distinct Possibility of Cyber and Biological War? – GaryBarnett 10/12/22

Source: GaryDBarnett.com

“The survivors (of a nuclear war) would envy the dead.”

 ~ Nikita Khrushchev

There is no certainty of a global nuclear war, but given the players involved, there is the possibility. Nuclear war has been constantly threatened by insane rulers, mostly in the U.S., for many decades, but other than the abhorrent and murderous slaughter of innocents in Japan at the hands of the U.S. war machine, no nuclear attacks have been forthcoming since. There is good reason for this, but I fear few take into consideration the complete lunacy and deranged minds of totalitarian-minded rulers. They thrive on propaganda, sabre rattling, and threats, as if this is a harmless political game, but it would take only one idiot to start an all-out nuclear exchange. That would be devastating to all on earth, so why is there so much antagonistic threatening of nuclear war among the empirical nation states?

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Is the US on a War Footing? – Karen Kwiatkowski 9/29/22

Source: LewRockwell.com

Michael Snyder summarizes the demolition of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines well, with links to support what we do know so far.  Did the US do it?  Purposeful destruction of another country’s property and logistics, conducted in international waters 300 feet below the surface of the ocean is certainly an act of war.  It is also in the sweet spot of false flag operations, needed when the real reason Washington wants a particular war is not domestically compelling or popular.  Of course, many nations have admitted false flag events.

Continue reading “Is the US on a War Footing? – Karen Kwiatkowski 9/29/22”

The War On Germany Just Entered Its Hot Phase – MoonOfAlabama 9/27/22

Source: MoonOfAlabama.org

Just yesterday I laid out how the U.S. is winning its war on Europe’s industries and people.

That war, hidden behind the U.S. created Ukraine crisis, is designed to destroy Europe’s manufacturing advantage compared to the U.S. It is more likely though to strengthen the economic position of China and other Asian economies.

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U.S. Blew Up Russian Gas Pipelines Nord Stream 1 & 2, Says Former Polish Defense Minister – MichaelShellenberger 9/27/22

Source: MichaelShellenberger.substack.com

Der Spiegel says CIA warned German government of potential sabotage weeks ago

A former Polish Defense Minister, Radek Sikorski, has attributed to the United States the sabotage of two pipelines, Nord Stream 1 and 2, which carry natural gas from Russia to Germany. “Thank you, USA,” Sikorski wrote on Twitter. Sikorski was Minister of National Defense from 2005 – 2007 and served as Deputy Minister of National Defense and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, previously. He is currently an elected member of the European parliament….

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A Brief History of Domestic Terrorism: From Cointel Pro to 9/11 and Beyond – MatthewEhret 5/26/22

Source: MatthewEhret.substack.com

Since a new wave of ‘domestic terror attacks’ have erupted over the past two weeks both in Buffalo and now more recently in Texas, the citizens of the USA and trans-Atlantic community more broadly are being whipped up into a frenzy of fear and confusion over the causes of ‘domestic terror’ which can only be remedied by increased dictatorial powers of the population.

As has often been the trend in our post-9/11 age, such highly publicized atrocities have tended to carry in their wake ever expanded state powers to surveille, censor and manipulate the confused and fearful population who lacks an ability to discern the true causes of the horrifying events framed for their consumption on mainstream media.

Before acquiescing to greater tyrannical powers to those agencies controlling western governments in exchange for promised security, it were wise to evaluate how and why terrorism – domestic or otherwise – has tended to arise over the past century.

Continue reading “A Brief History of Domestic Terrorism: From Cointel Pro to 9/11 and Beyond – MatthewEhret 5/26/22”

No, it’s NOT “Fake News.” It’s Nazi Propaganda – MarkCrispinMiller 5/2/22

Source: markcrispinmiller.substack.com

Someone who’s over there demolishes three whopping lies about “Ukraine,” with visual evidence beyond dispute.

This exemplary takedown of the “Ukraine” propaganda comes from Russell Bentley of Texas, now living in the Donbas (and some of whose interviews I’ve posted here):

There’s a wise old maxim that says, “The first step on the road to wisdom is to call things by their right names.” So, let’s do that.

Continue reading “No, it’s NOT “Fake News.” It’s Nazi Propaganda – MarkCrispinMiller 5/2/22″

Ukraine: A New Battle in the Old War of the “New Normal” – Off-Guardian 4/9/22

Source: Off-Guardian.org

In one sense, I don’t have much to say about the newest chapter in the eight-year-old American war against the people of Ukraine – nothing that you can’t learn from an array of sources as politically diverse as George Galloway and Peter HitchensTariq Ali and John Mearsheimer.

After all, the facts really aren’t complicated. Russia’s recent invasion, far from being “unprovoked” (as shamelessly claimed in mainstream media), follows eight years of the US-backed Ukrainian regime’s deadly shelling of ethnic Russians near the border of Russia itself, in fighting that has killed more than 13,000 civilians in territory Vladimir Putin’s administration pledged to protect long ago.

Continue reading “Ukraine: A New Battle in the Old War of the “New Normal” – Off-Guardian 4/9/22”

Who Really Committed War Crimes in Bucha? – AmericanGreatness 4/9/22

Source: AmGreatness.com

Lurid and false atrocity stories have been used before to encourage Western involvement in unnecessary wars.

The reports and photographs showing an apparent massacre in Bucha, Ukraine, are truly terrible. They are reminiscent of the atrocities used to galvanize Western opinion during Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, when the Srebrenica Massacre and the Siege of Sarajevo were seared into Western consciousness. 

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Hunter’s Laptop & Nuland’s Bio-Lab…a Propaganda Trap? – Off-Guardian 3/29/22

Source: Off-Guardian.org

A few days ago the Daily Mail busted out an “exclusive” story, claiming that Russian “disinformation” on NATO-funded biolabs in Ukraine might be accurate after all:

Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president

The same story was picked up by the New York Post, who broke the original “Hunter’s laptop” story back in 2020.

This is one of those validating headlines we in alt media tend to rush in and grab without pausing to think about context. We KNEW we were right, and look – the Daily Mail is admitting it so it must be true.

But, let’s not do that. Let’s be smart and take stock before we snatch up this morsel, and consider what we have here.

One major point to note: This is the DAILY MAIL. The fat, corrupt heart of the MSM.

They don’t feel obliged to publish leaked stuff just because it’s undeniably true. They deny the undeniable every single day at the same time they tell massive indefensible lies.

No. If a ‘leak’ appears here it is with the express approval or requirement of at least some part of the UK/US establishment.

So, right there, we know we are reading this story from this source at this time because someone in the Establishment wants us to.

Which begs the question – why does the UK/US establishment want us to read a ton of files in the DM that SUPPORT the Russian claims of US-run biological warfare research in Ukraine?

It’s curious, isn’t it?…

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What Seeing the War in Syria Taught Me About US/Western Government and Media Propaganda – Janice Kortkamp 3/29/22

Source: RonPaulInstitute.org

The Syrian war was the first fully observed conflict on social-media and the ability to connect directly with Syrians real time as they were experiencing the crisis was unprecedented. This created a unique opportunity to get unfiltered information directly from all sides of the conflict to gain insights and understanding. The results have helped shake off the control by conventional news media over foreign events reporting and analysis. While this has created some chaos, valuable lessons have been (or should have been) learned.

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The Media is the Number One Cause of War Since 1898 – SovereignMan 3/29/22

Source: SovereignMan.com

In 1895, a 32-year old entrepreneur in New York City bought a failing newspaper and hatched a bold plan to turn it around.

The newspaper industry was cutthroat, especially in New York. There were at least 16 other daily newspapers in circulation, and there was fierce competition for readers’ attention.

But the young entrepreneur had an idea: thrill readers with tales of death, destruction, and brutality in the Cuban War for Independence against Spain.

Cuba was a Spanish colony at the time, but revolutionary forces had been fighting for independence for several years. Few people in the US really cared about Cuba. But the new publisher vowed to make them care.

Continue reading “The Media is the Number One Cause of War Since 1898 – SovereignMan 3/29/22”

British Intelligence Operative’s Involvement in Ukraine Crisis Signals False-Flag Attacks Ahead – TheGrayzone 3/24/22

Source: TheGrayzone.com

Shadowy UK intel figure Hamish de Bretton-Gordon was at the forefront of chemical weapons deceptions in Syria. Now in Ukraine, he’s up to his old tricks again.

With Washington and its NATO allies forced to watch from the sidelines as Russia’s military advances across Eastern Ukraine and encircles Kiev, US and British officials have resorted to a troubling tactic that could trigger a massive escalation. Following similar claims by his Secretary of State and ambassador the United Nations, US President Joseph Biden has declared that Russia will pay a “severe price” if it uses chemical weapons in Ukraine.

The warnings emanating from the Biden administration contain chilling echoes of those issued by the administration of President Barack Obama throughout the US-led dirty war on Syria.

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Propaganda 101: Ukraine 2022 – Off-Guardian 3/26/22

Source: off-guardian.org

During 2011, NATO bombed a path to Tripoli to help its proxy forces on the ground oust Gaddafi. Tens of thousands lost their lives and much of Libya’s social fabric and infrastructure lay in ruins.

The 2016 article appearing in Foreign Policy Journal ‘Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libyan Intervention’ exposed why Libya was targeted.

Gaddafi was murdered and his plans to assert African independence and undermine Western hegemony on that continent were rendered obsolete.

Continue reading “Propaganda 101: Ukraine 2022 – Off-Guardian 3/26/22”