US Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Decline – Dr.JosephMercola 9/15/22


According to the latest statistics reported by The New York Times1 August 31, 2022, life expectancy in the United States dropped precipitously in 2020 and 2021.

In 2019, the average life span of Americans of all ethnicities was nearly 79 years. By the end of 2021, two years into the COVID pandemic and one full year into the mass inoculation campaign, life expectancy had dropped to 76 — a loss of nearly three years.

Even small declines in life expectancy of a tenth or two-tenths of a year mean that on a population level, a lot more people are dying prematurely than they really should be. And this was nearly THREE years or 35 times more.

What Has Caused Drop in Life Expectancy?

According to The New York Times, Native Americans and Alaska Natives have the highest rate of diabetes out of any ethnic groups — 1 in 7 — and obesity is also common. Both of these conditions have been identified as comorbidities that make you more susceptible to serious COVID-19 infection, which could help explain why life expectancy among Native Americans and Alaska Natives dropped by four years in 2020.

They do not necessarily explain the continued drop in life expectancy in 2021, however. According to Minnesota Chippewa tribe member Dr. Ann Bullock, former director of diabetes treatment and prevention at the federal Indian Health Service agency, the COVID jab campaign was very successful among Native Americans and Alaska Natives, which made the continued drop during 2021 “all the more upsetting.”

Bullock told The New York Times,2 “The Native American population did quite well in the vaccination efforts, and that made us feel that 2021 would not be as devastating as 2020.”

Aside from COVID, causes of death listed as contributors to this loss of life expectancy include accidental deaths, drug overdoses, heart disease, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. As you might expect, the idea that the COVID shots might have something to do with it is completely dismissed, even though it’s the proverbial elephant in the room.

Lethal Traffic Accidents Are at 20-Year High

The increase in “accidental deaths” seem particularly odd, considering the many lockdowns, but it’s possible the COVID jabs might have something to do with this as well. According to the U.S. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), lethal traffic accidents have steadily risen during 2021 and 2022,3 reaching a 20-year high in the first quarter of 2022.

Some have started referring to these accidents as “vaccindents,” caused when jabbed individuals suddenly experience a stroke, heart attack or temporary black-out while driving.

It cannot be proven that side effects from the jab are causing these accidents, but it’s still something worth considering. The jabs are also known to cause mental fog, disorientation and confusion, which could contribute to any number of accidents, on and off the road.

‘Sudden Death Syndrome’ May Be Driving Down Life Expectancy

Excess mortality, a statistic that is related to but separate from life expectancy, certainly plays a role. Excess mortality refers to the difference between the observed numbers of deaths (from all causes) during a given time period, compared to the expected number of deaths based on historical norms, such as the previous five-year average. (Formula: reported deaths – expected deaths = excess deaths.)

Across the world, excess mortality has dramatically risen since the start of the pandemic, and barely a day now goes by without a healthy adult suddenly dropping dead with no apparent cause. People have died during live broadcasts, in the middle of speeches and during dinner.

Clearly, they were feeling well enough to go to work, to an event or a restaurant, and something caused them to instantaneously die without warning. These are the people making up these excess death statistics. They shouldn’t be dead, yet something took them out.

While COVID-positive deaths were part of the equation in 2020, excess deaths really took off after the rollout of the COVID jabs, and in 2021 far exceeded deaths labeled as COVID deaths.4…

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