Young Doctors in Canada are Dying at a Rate 23X Normal After the Second Booster – SteveKirsch 8/30/22


Executive summary

The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) data for 2020 shows doctors in Canada aged 50 and under die at a rate of about 6 per year.

After the latest booster, 6 Canadian doctors, 50 and under, died within a 15 day period.

This is rate, for the 15 day post-vax period only, that is 23X what is normally expected.

Something is very wrong here, but nobody wants to talk about it or look into it. They’d rather look the other way.


Thanks to the brilliant work of Marc Godard and Brent Kievit-Kylar, we now have the CMA death data that I wrote about earlier in Google spreadsheet format where it can be easily analyzed for the first time. Note that the CMA removed entries prior to 2020 because they said it was too resource intensive to maintain this data. That’s hard to believe, but that’s what they said.

The results are stunning if we look at young doctor deaths: it makes the impact of the vaccines much easier to see because there is more signal and less noise since doctors under 50 rarely die….

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