Another Moderna Booster Trial, Another Death – Alex Berenson 4/20/22


Participants in Moderna’s clinical trials for its mRNA booster Covid shots keep dying.

And Moderna keeps obscuring their deaths.

Last week, Moderna disclosed a death in its newest booster trial in a single chart on page 49 of a 53-page report, while elsewhere in the report inaccurately claiming the trial had “no fatal events.”

Today, a reader pointed out another death in an earlier Moderna booster trial, this one from cardiac arrest in a 72-year-old man. The victim had received his third or “booster” dose nine days before.

The death appears to have occurred in August 2021, at least six weeks before the Food and Drug Administration held a hearing in October to discuss authorizing a Moderna booster at a dose lower than the one used in the August trial.

But the death was not mentioned at the hearing….

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